Balaklava and Jamestown, SA

Balaklava and Jamestown, SA

Today was a big day. Lots of driving. And, I was able to go almost straight past the big battery in SA. Last time I took a bit of a detour and was nearly late to the first show. Actually, this was when I went to Burra last year!

The shows went well and I was reminded what it was all about.

Sending Tyres to Africa!

Sending Tyres to Africa!

Nathaniel Lee is a BMX Freestyler from Ghana and is having a terrible time with his tyres. I am going to send him some new tyres, however, postage is very expensive. If you are able to throw in a few bucks, that’d be amazing, and it would mean that he will get the tyres much sooner rather waiting for me to save up the cash. And follow @nathaniellee78 on instagram and say hi!