This happened during a show!

Something felt strange and I wasn’t rolling properly. Quickly checking the cables, levers, and gyro, I narrowed the issue down to the brakes where I discovered the brake pad perpendicular to what it should be. Teachers to the rescue!! We like teachers. They are good.

I broke my bike again

I broke my bike again. This time (and all the times) it turned out to be completely my fault. I put the washer that sits between the crank arm and the sprocket the wrong way around. Which meant that the locator nut was taking all of the pressure. So of course it broke. Luckily it happened whilst training and not during a show. Thank goodness!


Check out all of the schools Scott has visited in his most recent epic schools tour.

SA WA Touring Map

While he tightens up his spokes and checks his brake levers for the next tour, here are some of the places where Scott has recently visited (click an image to enlarge).